Better Mathematics - 2nd year

Better Mathematics

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Click here for general information about course choices.

Courses on this site are structured by the years they are typically taken in. However, if a course is normally taken in a later (or earlier) year, it does not necessarily mean that you cannot take it now.

Course level is generally a good indicator of course difficulty. Courses of level up to and including 9 are normally taken in years 1 and 2, while level 10 and 11 courses are typically taken in years 3 through 5. If you are on an MMath degree, you are required to take a total of 120 credits of level 11 courses over the years 4 and 5, the 40-credit dissertation in year 5 counts towards this total.

Please don't hesitate to contact your P.T. or the course organizer of the course if you have special requirements or are overwhelmed. For example, if there is a specific course that you would like to take outside of the typical regime, do not be afraid to ask these people for advice and/or a concession for the course.

Note that while the school advises against overloading on course credits, there is nothing actually stopping you from doing this. However, with an increased load your academic performance may suffer. Quite often, 20 credit and 10 credit courses require a similar amount of effort to do well in.

General info Edit on GitHub

Accelerated Algebra and Calculus for Direct Entry December exam Edit on GitHub

Relevant reading available online

Accelerated Proofs and Problem Solving December exam Edit on GitHub

Relevant reading available online

Facets of Mathematics Edit on GitHub

Probability Edit on GitHub


Relevant reading available online

Several Variable Calculus and Differential Equations December exam Edit on GitHub

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