Better Mathematics - 3rd year

Better Mathematics

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Click here for general information about course choices.

Courses on this site are structured by the years they are typically taken in. However, if a course is normally taken in a later (or earlier) year, it does not necessarily mean that you cannot take it now.

Course level is generally a good indicator of course difficulty. Courses of level up to and including 9 are normally taken in years 1 and 2, while level 10 and 11 courses are typically taken in years 3 through 5. If you are on an MMath degree, you are required to take a total of 120 credits of level 11 courses over the years 4 and 5, the 40-credit dissertation in year 5 counts towards this total.

Please don't hesitate to contact your P.T. or the course organizer of the course if you have special requirements or are overwhelmed. For example, if there is a specific course that you would like to take outside of the typical regime, do not be afraid to ask these people for advice and/or a concession for the course.

Note that while the school advises against overloading on course credits, there is nothing actually stopping you from doing this. However, with an increased load your academic performance may suffer. Quite often, 20 credit and 10 credit courses require a similar amount of effort to do well in.


General info Edit on GitHub

Geometry December exam Edit on GitHub

Differential geometry is the study of geometry using methods of calculus and linear algebra. It has numerous applications in science and mathematics. This course is an introduction to this classical subject in the context of curves and surfaces in Euclidean space.

Honours Algebra December exam Edit on GitHub

It showcases the power of abstraction and brings together several different topics from earlier courses as well as new ideas, in order to present a view on some of the more advanced algebra that is critical for later courses and also in application, as well as of interest in its own right. The course also includes computer algebra, to support and illustrate some of the content.

This is a core course for Honours degrees involving mathematics.

Main topics: Linear Algebra, Rings and Modules, Determinants and Eigenvalues, Inner Product Spaces, and Jordan Normal Form.


Honours Differential Equations December exam Edit on GitHub

This course has a “Skills” portion which involves programming in Python, in particular using SciPy ODE solvers. Activities include: plotting phase portraits of 1st order ODEs, exploring dynamical non-linear systems, implementing numerical methods (Euler, Heun, etc), Fourier coefficient computation, plots of 2D functions and animations of PDEs.

This is a core course for Honours degrees involving mathematics.

Main topics: higher order linear equations, Laplace transforms, systems of First Order Linear ODEs, numerical methods, non-linear systems of ODEs, non-linear methods (eg. Lyapunov functions), Fourier Series, use of separation of variables in standard PDEs, Sturm-Liouville Theory.


Numerical Linear Algebra December exam Edit on GitHub

This course explores reliable and computationally efficient numerical techniques for practical linear algebra problems. Traditional linear algebra techniques are usually too computationally intensive to be used for the large matrices encountered in practical applications. Such algorithms will be studied, analysed (and assessed) theoretically, as well as implemented using an advanced programming language (MATLAB? Python?). This course includes significant lab work.

Main topics: solution of linear systems of equations, the solution of least squares problems, finding the eigenvectors and/or eigenvalues of a matrux

Relevant reading available online

Statistical Methodology December exam Edit on GitHub

This course provides many of the underlying concepts and theory for Likelihood based statistical analyses.

This course is required for numerous further Year 3-5 courses in statistics.

Main topics: likelihood function, maximum likelihood estimation, likelihood ratio tests, Bayes theorem and posterior distribution, Iterative estimation of the MLE (Fishers’ method of scoring), normal linear models.

Relevant reading available online

Stochastic Modelling December exam Edit on GitHub

An advanced probability course dealing with discrete and continuous time Markov chains. Markov chains has countless applications in many fields raging from finance, operation research and optimization to biology, chemistry and physics. The course covers the fundamental theory, and provides many examples.

Main topics: Probability review, definition of stochastic processes, Markov chains in discrete time, modelling of real-life systems as Markov chains, Poisson processes, Markov processes in continuous time.


Relevant reading available online

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